Saturday, June 08, 2013

Saturday busyness!

Today was a day of busy!   Mom and I headed to the Cancer Survivor's Day over at the center where she gets her chemotherapy & where her oncologist also is.   It was a pretty nice event that they held.  Lots of fantastic items to win in the basket raffle, where the survivors paid ZERO for their 20 tickets!

There was a "red carpet" and several cardboard cut outs you could pose with.  Fun stuff!
We had a free lunch of pizza, beverages, fresh fruit, soft pretzels.....  Then there was a Baskin Robbins ice cream station!   Holy ice cream.     There were several flavors to choose from and then you were on your own, to top it how you pleased!  Never saw so many ice cream toppings.  I stuck with hot fudge, rainbow sprinkles (or jimmies, as we say in Jersey) ....and chocolate sprinkles.   Mom got brave with the whipped cream too and piled it on high.    So funny.

I think the rain literally held out just for this event because as soon as I started driving away, when it was all over with, the rain started coming down.     I took a couple of pictures with my phone, since my batteries died in my camera. Boo hoo.  : (

Then we went right from there, to my niece's dance recital.  It was so wonderful!  All of the dancers did so well & I was so proud of my niece for her performance; she is growing up so quickly.  She has decided to take the next year off for dance, because she wants to be on a sports travel team and it's a lot of commitment.   Good for her!    

We ended our day with dinner at a local seafood place we love - Where we always drive the other patrons crazy, by playing the juke box. 
I'm so ready for bed now.... what a day!

Tomorrow, we'll go to church and then we're planning on going to an Indian pow-wow.   Good times!
I'll have plenty of pictures of that, I hope!   They're very cool! My pop pop was of American Indian descent... so we were always partaking in things like this.   I know it sounds kind of hokey but we enjoy it.

Mom did have her CT scan on Friday & we'll see what Dr. Alex says next week... 
Going to be an anxious week.

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