Monday, August 10, 2009

Holy Hot Today

Wow, was it ever hot here today!?? It was in the high 90's. I think it was said to be around 95. And whew, it felt like it. Funny thing is, it was a scorcher outside, but here I was walking to my car to get my light jacket because I was freezing my ass off in the office. It's always so cold in there! Sheesh. I'm used to it after 5 years but still, it irritates me. Things are starting to look up for us with the housing situation. Hopefully we'll have a place to call home in the months ahead. I can't even begin to tell you how much I am not looking forward to moving out AGAIN and then moving in AGAIN. I think we've decided to get some movers this time.. it's just too much on everyone. I appreciate, immensely, the help that we've received from everyone but we can't possible ask them to help us yet again. I don't like to impose, ever. Right now, we're taking things one day at a time. In the meantime, I'm also putting my feelers out and seeing what's in the job market. Yes, I know, could I possibly put anything ELSE on my plate right now? Wedding, home, and now I'm ready to take on a new job???! Well it just seems that things are not looking so good right now. I could be wrong but I guess it's good to have a plan in place in the event that something 'happens'. I went to dinner with my sister and my niece tonight. Olive Garden, of course. It's always yummy and we always have a great time. We laugh so much when we're together.. it's always such a great time. I really need to get out and have those laughs tonight, that's for sure. I was amazed at how well my niece behaved! Not that she always misbehaves at restaurants, but she's had her moments. Like most kids do. I know, Amy will comment on this one! = - ) After dinner, my sister showed the cute outfits that she bought for my niece ... She is going to pre-school!! Oh, heart be still.. I'm going to be a mess. Blubbering mess. Right along side my sister. I know Baby M is going to LOVE Preschool... She's so psyched already. The outfits my sister got, were the cutest. I tried to find them online but had no luck... they were at Nordstrom on sale so I probably won't find them. Pooey! I'll just have to post some pics when my niece actually wears them. I'm off to bed, I think Drop Dead Diva re-runs tonight, which is good because I missed it last night! Army Wives, I only caught so much.. so I have to wait for that On Demand. Good Night!

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