Tuesday, December 27, 2005

A little R & R

So, I was thinking of how I had some vacation time left at work..and I had been saving it for when my sister had the baby. Well this Saturday is the last of the year and if I don't use my time, I lose it. So I got some nerve up and I went in to talk to my boss..He was surprisingly nice about it..I had a day and a half of time left, so I took a half day today and then I'm off tomorrow.. Not bad huh? I have so much I can do..Need to pay bills, clean my room, some of the house and do the mound of laundry that I've so nicely concealed behind my bedroom door..(in a basket of course)
I need a day to sleep in..I don't know the last time I rolled over at 7, laughed at the alarm clock and went back to sleep..but tomorrow I will!!

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