Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Bride-to-be Survival Tips?!

Safe to say that I have been having more and more heartburn lately.. at least ever since I started ATTEMPTING to plan a wedding. It puzzles me so that I've done endless planning for showers, weddings, birthdays, etc.. in the past, without so much stress but yet here I am in the throes of planning my own wedding and I'm met with such frustration already. Is it really this hard? Maybe I'm just creating the havoc myself. The one thing that really stands out in my frustration is the cost of some of the 'things' associated with this wedding. First of all, I'm getting married in a Catholic church, in WHICH we are parishioners.. WHERE, each weekend, we give them our church "offering", which is usually anywhere between $5 and $10.. sometimes more in other circumstances. And this is every weekend.. (52 weeks). So imagine my surprise (for lack of a better word), when I opened the pamphlet last Saturday and saw that we are to pay $350.00 for the ceremony, $20 to each alter boy ( a max. of 2) and it states that you "should consider a small monetary gift" for the officiating priest. Wow! What else can I say. Seriously. It went on to say that the fee for Non-parishioners is $500. Damn, I pity anyone in that boat. Let's not forget that we, as Catholics, are required to attend pre-cana, sessions. Notice, I said: HAVE to. As in it's not optional, my friends. And the cost of this? Oh, just $150. Now do you see why I'm ripping my hair out? I guess it all comes down to money... it's nuts! I am keeping the wedding and the reception, as well as all of the other amenities, as simple as possible, in that I am not going over the top. I want it simple. I really wish I could just win the mega-millions and I would be set. Heck, I'm not even being greedy, I'll take the $500,000. I can get a decent reception out of it, pay for it all up front, not have to ask my dad for any money.. and then buy a nice little home for about $200,000. I even prayed on winning the lottery and promised to donate a large sum to charity.. or the church. (Funny as that may seem, at this point!) Ah, it just seems so complicated trying to get it all together. I do have a year to do it but I feel like the time is going to fly and before I know it, it'll be here, and things will be unpaid for... blah blah blah. Well, if ANYONE has any tips on cost cutting or has anyone that they know of who is a vendor of any sort (photographer, DJ, florist).. do tell me. You'll probably find this post again soon.. because I want start a Wedding Blog. I need one. That should be fun & witty and ......full of whining.

1 comment:

  1. oh man that sounds so stressful! I'm so excited for you to be getting married though! I'm a sucker for romance and a good love story and it sounds like you found your prince charming :)
    Why is your church making you pay that much money?!?!? ugh so not fair! Don't worry though God will provide!


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