Friday, March 09, 2018

New ventures

Good grief --

When's the last time I blogged?  Last year?   Shit.   I wouldn't like a blogger like me.
But thanks for coming back anyway.

Not to say that life hasn't been busy or eventful since that last post.  It surely has. 
But rather than try to catch it up here, I'll start with current events.  Hmm. Current events, I think that was a class in high school.   

Sorry, I got distracted again. 

So, we're only 3 months into the new year and I'm trying to stop procrastinating and also trying to follow through with goals I set for myself.   It's not that I'm afraid of commitment; I just seem to get distracted and pulled away by other things.   Mostly important things.. and some not.
I've been acting on things, more quickly now.    Jumping at and grabbing opportunities that interest me. 

Recently, I became a prayer partner for a prayer chain group, after seeing an email from a Diocesan staff member.
The prayer chain group has 2 leaders and they receive the prayer requests from people all over. 
Then they send the email requests out to myself and other prayer partners, and we pray for those folks.   We offer our prayers of intercession.   I'm excited about this. 
So, of course, if you're reading this and you need prayers for your intentions, shoot me a message!  I'll gladly add you to our list and we'll offer them up for you! 

Image result for prayer request?

I'll also be sharing about something else that I'm doing, that I've really been wanting to do and that I feel called to do.     That'll be a later post. ♥

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Hi, thanks for YOUR thoughts on MY thoughts! Happy reading!