Saturday, March 23, 2019

Is this thing still on?

I've really missed blogging.  I miss writing, in general.  I miss a lot of things.   I haven't picked up a book in a while either.  I need to get back to those things.
Last time I even posted, it was about up and coming things I was getting involved with.  One of those things: I became a certified bereavement minister.    Last Fall, was the first group I facilitated and it went pretty well.   We're already in the swing of things, with the Spring group now.    I have more people attending this time, and although I haven't asked for it, I've gotten really positive feedback from the group.  They all look forward to coming back.  I can't wave a magic wand and fix all their broken hearts, but I'm there to listen and help them along their grief journey.   It's been rewarding and emotionally taxing at times.  But I honestly really love being able to hold these meetings and offer grieving folks a safe place to come to.   I try to keep the conversations going but sometimes there's silence.  Truth is, that silence is ok.    I do try to find helpful handouts, and videos, to mix things up.   Some groups are a little more structured than mine, in that they use a workbook and have weekly assingnments. I like to keep my group a little more open and loose, because I realize that not everyone can make EVERY meeting.   I want them to have the flexibility of coming in and not feeling like they have to catch up.  I feel like this is what I was called to do - and I often wondered what my purpose was.  This ministry is so important and I am glad I can be a part of it.

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