Thursday, March 19, 2009

I've been a busy bee...

I haven't updated in days! If I had to tell you what I've been doing that has me so busy, I'm afraid I couldn't. hee hee. Truth is, I have been busy though. The weather's been pretty decent the past few days, I was really hoping to go the track and get a few rounds of walking in or at least a run. I really want to start running. It's such an adrenaline rush... and for me, a person with so many thoughts going at once in this crazy head of mine, it's kind of a way to "run it all out". Stress relief in it's best form!
I really want to go to Cooper River Parkand start running because I think it's the best place to go but it's a rather large track and I don't know if I'd make it. Probably end up face down in the river, from sheer exhaustion. Yikes! But we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. love running at cooper river! don't forget to get your free water ice tom. at rita's=)


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